Hypnotic Yoga Retreats intertwine an eclectic blend of natural mind and body processes from yoga, hypnotherapy, and expressional dance to create a deep experience of self-connection for healing and rejuvenation occurring within a beautiful and natural environment, away from the pressures of everyday life.

By joining the Hypnotic Yoga Retreat you will enjoy learning how to apply hypnotherapy, yoga, and expressional dance in your life to access natural states for healing unhealed life issues, and in doing so break free of destructive behaviours to reconnect with yourself at a profound level.

Over the five days, at Valle de Moses Yoga Retreat Centre in the valley forest nested within the mountains of the Alentejo region of Central Portugal, you will experience a complete detox from modern-day living and totally refresh and reset emotionally, mentally, digitally, and physically.

Modern Living Detox at The Hypnotic Yoga Retreat

‘The Journey to the Centre of Self’

  • Emotional detox - a clearing of heavy emotions carried within the mind and body that have festered from unhealed past experiences.
  • Mental detox - refresh your mind, by learning to quieten the continual invasion of thoughts and learn mind stillness for deeper, more holistic, and intuitive thinking to emerge.
  • Digital detox - the daily retreat sessions will be digitally free, with no Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. This is about YOU and not YouTube. Obviously, in their free time, participants can message their friends and family, although it is recommended to minimise the use of phones and tablets for 5 days.
  • For a physical detox, we provide three meals daily and snacks throughout the day. All the food is organic and vegan. Caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol will not be available, your mind and body will be delighted.

The retreat is led by three experts in their respective fields.

Michael Carroll is the main retreat facilitator and is the Founder of the Hypnotic Yoga Experience, he is also the Founder of the prestigious London Hypnosis Academy. Michael has 30 years of experience in the field of hypnotherapy and hypnosis and is known for his expertise in teaching hypnosis and facilitating deep change in clients with complex issues.

Nicole Falla will lead the daily yoga sessions. She is an internationally experienced holistic health coach and Yoga instructor with a rich Yoga teaching background in India, Guatemala, Mexico, Barcelona, Bali, and also online platforms. Nicole brings a unique, worldly perspective to her practice combining her multicultural experiences to infuse her teaching with a blend of traditional wisdom and modern approaches, appealing to people from all walks of life.

Lory Caccamo is a dance teacher, holistic coach, and a natural dancer who began her dance journey as a young girl in Italy and since has developed a wealth of experience in incorporating expressive movement into her coaching practice as a means of enabling naturalistic altered states as a conduit for healing and transformation. Lory will also be utilising her experience as a Zenthai Shiatsu Practitioner for movement postural alignment for well-being.

The Hypnotic Yoga Retreat Structure

Each day there are individual sessions led by the three retreat facilitators which incorporate activities focussing on the theme of the day. The daily themes are designed for the participants to embark on a journey over the five days to rediscover themselves and heal the life contexts that have built the facade of personality they present to the world.

The Daily Themes

Monday 4th November – Orientation to the Retreat Environment, Forget the rush and stress of everyday life, connect with self through mind and body relaxation and nature

Tuesday 5th November – Current Life Reflection, - exploring your present life and your patterns of disconnection and connection across all life areas. How did you become who you think you are?

Wednesday 6th November – Exploration of Your Past – a deep and honest reflection of life’s events that have shaped you and built you the illusion of the current you, it’s a life charade because it’s not a reflection of who you are, the real you is coming back.

Thursday 7th November - Let the Healing Begin - reflecting and healing the traumas of your past to break free of shackles that have held you down for years. Get ready for FREEDOM, this is deep healing

Friday 8th November - Unleashing the Freedom of YOURSELF – It’s time to celebrate the new you and the real you. No more pretending or people-pleasing, you have re-centred and will be returning joyfully that you are free to live life differently, concurrently, and in harmony with your deeper self and the deeper selves of those you want to share your amazing self with.

Saturday 9th November - Checkout - Find out more here

The days at this retreat will have facilitated your reflection on your life, you will have gained deep insights into patterns and trauma that have had so much influence on the personality you have presented to others, you will have experienced deep healings, and now it’s time to unleash, express and celebrate YOU, aligned from the core outwards.

‘Journey to the Centre of Self' -Retreat Processes

Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy - Hypnosis is the process of accessing deep states of consciousness and heightened awareness of your inner self by bypassing your everyday logical and critical mind. Hypnosis has been used for over 6,000 years in ancient cultures for healing and well-being. For example, the Egyptians built 'Sleep or Dream' Temples, where people were assisted into a trance state by Shamans to heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Hypnotherapy is the process of applying hypnosis for therapeutic healing and utilises the hypnotic state of trance to heal deep-rooted psychological problems, addictions, and deeply held chronic emotions.

Yoga - Yoga is an ancient practice that unifies Mind, Body, and Soul, offering a transformative journey towards self-discovery and inner harmony. Yoga stands as a key element in connecting with your true self. As you move through postures, breathe mindfully, and cultivate awareness, you're not just working on your physical body - you're nurturing your entire being. This practice builds strength, enhances flexibility, and improves mobility while simultaneously clearing the mind, sharpening your focus, and fostering inner peace.

Our programme covers a diverse range of yoga styles, including Power, Hatha, Nidra, Yin, and Vinyasa. Yoga offers powerful benefits for your overall health, natural body detoxification, boosting your immune system and overall vitality by regulating the nervous system, and promoting better stress management and emotional balance.

Expressional Dance - Ancient cultures naturally had a greater level of awareness of their bodies than people living in the modern disconnected era (as do current Indigenous cultures) and used movement and dance as a method of accessing deep states of consciousness for self-expression and healing. Expressional Dance, in our retreat, draws upon dance styles from ecstatic dance, transcendental embodiment, and ancient dance forms for people to naturally move their bodies to express their current inner states. The stream of the dance builds an embodied flow state for self-expression of states articulating your deeper self through movement and dance for healing

The combination of the retreat therapeutic processes will enable you to embark on a healing journey to release the stuck emotions and emotional traumas that have weighed you down on your life journey. You will break the charade of the fictional you that you unconsciously present to others for you to naturally be the congruent you that is true to the core of who you are.

All are welcome, beginners and those with experience will benefit enormously. The Yoga classes are user-friendly and will cater for different body types and levels of experience. The dance Expressional Dance Sessions are freestyle, there are no rules or steps to follow. Hypnosis will include stillness and inward focus as well as walking meditations in the forest.

Hypnotic Yoga Retreats is a division of NLP Academy Limited (UK)

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